Blog Archive

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Thank You

June 23, 2016 (Colombia)
June 24, 2016 (Philippines)

                                                        THANK YOU

My Sexy Boyfriend
The moment you came into my life, the moment i started to love again.
There is no posible explanation i can give you, to make you understand how happy i am to have you on my life. I am so grateful for you, Raymond Manliguez Verana.

To be excited when i have a message from you, to laugh with you when we are on the phone, to spread tears of joy for what we have. This are just some of the things I feel when i talk with you, my love.

My Lovely Harlequin
Time goes by so fast, and we have already been sharing two months together. I have to be honest with you, and i have to confess that i never had thought that this would be such a serious relationship, and I never thought you would make me fall in love so much. My Mondy, I was so  wrong with that… and I am so glad that I was.

What we have is something that only you and me understand…it is stronger than any of our problems. You have earned a place in my heart forever. I love you, my boyfriend…Oh God, I really do.

Thank you, for making me the happiest person ever to be on a relationship. Thank you, for caming into my life, and for spending with me this two wonderful monds (pun intended).

My Cutest BF Ever :p
With all the love in the world, your Little zombie

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