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Saturday, 23 April 2016

Brokeback Mountain (A synopsis)

Brokeback Mountain (A synopsis)
By Raymond Verana

You made my heart as a lonely hunter man in the mountain. I’m right here waiting for you, sitting beside next to me.  –Raymond Verana (telling these words to Juancho).

Here is my synopsis how briskly appearances the two characters: Jack and Ennis. It made me moved to the unexpectedly significance of the two on how they love brought to the Brokeback Mountain. Ennis is getting married to Alma and Jack is a lovely boy. Who knows what will be happened and how they life is getting tough and rough. After the stunning story they made in mountain. This is what happened:
  •   Because of the silly cold on the mountain, Jack inviting Ennis to make love to him that night. The fact they really bad wanted it.
  •  It is possible between two boys the connection of the weirdo feelings. Ennis want to escape his life and Jack is ready to be the place of world Ennis. They accepted who they are.
  • Ennis get lonely while Jack is riding a car away for him. He cried. (This is the awkward feeling he felt, he cried because he found that Jack is a mystery pieces in his life).
  • They have missed each other. The only Brokeback Mountain is the only place they can live happily. Jack wants to build a relationship to Ennis to be with him for the rest of his life but Ennis refuse it because of his situation. In the end, Ennis realize it he need Jack into his life after he died.
  • The both characters never telling the words “I LOVE YOU”. The fact is they’ve been waiting who will tell this.

This for Juan David Hernandez:

I am now in love with you, but the distance and the boundary is against with us. I wanted you there on Brokeback Mountains. YOU AND ME.

I wanted you to be my boyfriend.
I wanted you to be my husband.
I wanted you to be marry with me.
I wanted of a high-altitude every night.
I wanted to travel the world together with you.
I wanted you to be part of ME.
I wanted YOU.

But the bottom line is?

The time.
Only the time can speak to us... when.
The time can only decide us... to meet.
The time is our most enemy.
But the time somehow can our be friend
But not only times... can do break us.
When the time come brought you and me
To the world of eternity
Baby I promise,
You and I...
Will be...

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