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Saturday, 26 November 2016

The Moon (La Luna)

The Moon
By Mondy

I am here at the window. The night was cold and foggy. Gaze in the stars and moon at the blue-dark horizon. I just blinked as the celestial way blinked at me. It was dark and wind is like a ghost touching my nerves. I got goose flesh. I hear cricketing sounds from the meadow. I am alone and my heart is felt lone. Is this solitude or the fortitude?

I choose you from the seven billion of people in this universe. My heart is full of questions that I need answer from you. But the answer has always come to the right time. Distance is very strange. Time is a hinge. Water is a fence. Trees are a built like hedge. River is between for us, you are on the other side that I want to cross and use the bridge.

The water fell on my face just like water fell on the roof. I heard the roaring from the hell. I want to soar but my voice is a quiver that ready to implode. The hell is dark and drags me to the erstwhile. It hurts me and it vanish me on the ditches of the seven circles in inferno of the divine comedy.

The humming bird fast flew from the west going to east. I uttered “Do you love me?” but the wind is your answer. Cold and stiff. I just turn my face on the picture that I have on my phone. I smiled. I stared in your eyes but I see myself on your iris. Keep Searching for my soul and psyche.

Baby I have toothed ache; I need your kiss to ease the pain. I have pain in my body and only touch is caress and token of pondness. I have my own dark continet but you choose to explore yourself to me and to delve the unknown the missing pieces of me.

You called my name “Mondy”. You press my hands and shake it. Nothing response with me and your hands become firm to hold my hands. You called my name again. Tears from your face as fell in my face. You hug-me-tight. You whisper in my ears “I LOVE YOU”. My spirit is rapping to my body and become volatile. I open my eyes and look from west side and I see the sun. I pronunce and ennuciate the words clearly “Juandy, Where are you?” just like talking to the sun from the west side of my window.

I percive and become aware that voice comes from the east side. “I’m here. Te amo con todo mi corazón.” The angel is here now beside with me.

Ran Before The Storm

Dear Juan David :3,

Ran Before the Storm

            I don’t know how to begin this letter. There is only one thing that I know, and that is PAIN in my heart. Three letters and one word is always running in my head and asking myself “WHY?”. I remember you told me “it is like we are destroying stereotypes about time, space and age” I believe you on that… BUT you gave up on that belief. Three months that I believing you love me, three months that I shared my life to you, three months full of joys and tears, three months wishing that you and me we will meet someday but everything is become a nightmare.

            I woke up every day that everything is just fine after we broke apart and pretend that I am alright but deep inside I felt the rumbling emotions. Many of my friends are just asking if I alright, they just see me staring on the window and thinking deeply. Every night I cried and I always feeling the pain that you left me. You let me die in our battlefield. You let go my hand while we are fighting our problem. I bleed so in my heart. I am too in love with you but you let me go. It is just feels we are in the game but you let me loose on it. Every day is excruciating, living today is sacrificing. Where do I begin? Where I can find myself? I am in the dark looking for the star to be my guide. I am walking on the desert that looking for water. Most of all, I am alone without you.

  You told me that I need to understand the fact that we must end our relationship because the long distance relationship is not will be successful. You said that the more we wait to see ourselves in long period of time is the more we suffer. Juandy how we can know if we don’t fight for our love? How we can know if it is love if you don’t trust in our love story. I ask your brother if you love me, he said you love me but you’ve doubt in your heart, though he said I should need to trust. So I trust you but you have shaken your trust. In your age is easy to let go the someone or something in your life that you know that someone or something will come and replace something new. It easy to your part that you let me go. BUT It is not easy part of me to let you go in my age, I appreciate a lot of you especially when you love someone that you know is really meant for you. You are not only the one who felt need to your personal presence. I want your personal presence too, but I keep fighting to my emotions because I believe someday that you and I will meet and we will be together. But in just one snap of your finger everything is losing apart. You made a storm and you let me drown in your being cynical. I just thinking so being in three months in our relationship is full of pretending and lies? In my part, I just been true of you but I don’t know in your part if you have been true and loyal with me. Loving you deepest is truly amazing but the consequence is really agonizing.

For your information, Juandy I am listening two songs while I am doing this my last love letter to you. One is Ran Before the Storm and Second is My Heart Will Go On.
Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you
That is how I know you go on

Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you’re here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go ‘til we’re gone

Love was when I loved you
One true time I hold to
In my life we’ll always go on

You’re here, there’s nothing I fear
And I know that my heart will go on
We’ll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

            One day I asked my friend, “how can I love the person. If in myself, I do not how to define love.” They told me I just forget you and learn to love again. I don’t want to love anybody. I want you but you hurt me. I am thinking that guy you told me about it, thinking that you love him rather than me. He is so lucky that he captivated you heart, while me is just simple internet boyfriend. You shut off your connection with me and you find your connection with him. I am so depressed that I cannot give you what you want, you are so far away with me. I am feel so pathetic with me how I am so simple guy that nothing can give to his boyfriend. Letters, phone call, messages it is not very enough to feel my presence. I want to touch you, really I am. I want to hug you, I want to kiss you, I want to pinch your nose and I want to hold your hands, forever… but it is only a dream. Dreaming that you and me will become happily boyfriend.

            I told you that August is very special for me, and you asked me why. You told me that August is just simple month. I would like to tell you that August is special for me because of YOU. Because this is the month of your birthday, I thought it would be special to me but I am wrong. August 2, 2016 here in Philippine you hurt me and you broke my heart, August month is very painful month for me.

            August 2, 2016 the day was very gray and cold. The sky was so glum and sullen. The moment I cried on the phone call with you it was the moment that sky was sobbing. Before everything we decide to broke apart. I was walking on the corridor that I heard music from far away. I got goose bump L … I heard the song “My Heart Will Go On”…. That night I ran, ran, ran, ran before the storm (sobbing) L

“There is no possible explanation I can give you, to make you understand how happy I am to have you on my life. I am so grateful for you, Raymond Manliguez Verana… it is stronger than any of our problems. You have earned a place in my heart forever. I love you, my boyfriend…Oh God, I really do.”- Juan David
“You are the one of a kind to speak me, as I worth you eye to eye like the two times colourful is a tough to discover. From this day and from the day we forward. You and I always be ACROSS FRIENDSHIP.” – Raymond
God only know how much more I do love you. Thank you for everything, really I am. If our destiny will meet again and If I see you on that day in a very strange day and circumstances and you don’t have boyfriend or husband. I will tell you… I will love you and I will marry you that day. This day, I promise to live again and make a new chapter of my life without you. I am glad that someJUAN like you had been a great love story of mine. That nothing in this world can stop me to love you again. I wish, I am not very old when we meet… remember always, my zombie…
Te amo con todo mi corazon, Juan David.

Goodbye for our love
And loving you endlessly,
Raymond Verana -_-


Warm Hug, Three kisses, Biting your tongue, Pinching your nose and Whispering softly to you ear “till we meet again” … <3

Saturday, 13 August 2016

The Fault in Our Star

July 24, 2016

The fault in our stars

My Super Duper Handsome BF <3 
            Last April 2016 before we met, one of my co-faculties knows how to read/know your future based on your palm. She read my right palm. She told me that I will be alone in my life when I get old L I asked her “Why?” she replied and little bit confused to her answer “... ahh it just you’ll be alone!” I became mute, I am afraid to be alone and the feelings of without anyone or anything else in your life or feeling unhappy because you are separated from the ONE YOU LOVE L and this is the reason why I am afraid of losing you because I need you in my life to be my husband. It is really funny that I am thinking this at my age and asking you if you want to be marrying at me. Most of my friends have in relationship and some of them have plan for their marriage. But please don’t think I am not rushing you to be married at me. It is just I am expressing to you that you are simply great ideal husband to me.
            For our 3rd Month in relationship this love letter and my presentation are contains of sorry, thank you and I Love You.


Sorry, if your boyfriend is sometimes asking you over-and-over-again “Do you love me?” and always telling you “I Love you”. All of that is real and genuine.  It is really shameful for my side to tell you about this, but for the name of love let me tell this. Sorry if I always looking for a big expectation for you as my first boyfriend. Forgive me Juan David if you feel the pressure to me. This is my first time too in relationship. You told me that you can’t control to back your bad memories and you become getting moody. You told me too because of your age. All of that is understood by me.

Kiss me... Pls. :D jajaja
Sometimes if I do chatting with you, I didn’t know if you are with me. I don’t know, maybe you found better than me and more handsome with me in your country or other places L I am really preoccupied with you.  I am afraid that my destiny is to become alone in my life. Juan David, I don’t want to be alone, honestly L and to become true what my co-facilities said to me that I will be alone when I got old. L This is the reason why, I always ask you for many times “Do you love me?” and telling you “I love you”. Juan David don’t give up on me L I know that it took years when we met but please when you fall in love with a man don’t hesitate to tell me. I hope we still best friend and I am your number 2 best friend. Your future boyfriend is your number 1 best friend and you’re real first boyfriend... and not me. (Crying face)

I’ve cry hard enough with this month, how far you are to me. I was in the library and I saw the globe, I was looking on it. I become melancholy. I was also searching for the cheapest air free (airplane going to Colombia) but it was so expensive that my salary can’t afford to go on your country and it takes years to go on your country.

Forgive me Juan David for all the things that I’ve done wrong, and yet I am still growing for this love <3

Thank you

Juan David, thank you for ever supportive boyfriend and giving me an advice every time I make decision in my life. Promise you are advice and your answer is a half of my decision in my life. You helped me in every single way. I always so hyper active every time in school, in my study and everywhere because of YOU and you doesn’t have any idea every time I do good, won the games, and got high grades on my Master because of YOU. You told me this “Baby, life without fear would be boring!... is when we get out of comfort when we get wise... and we get the inspiration to follow our dreams, because we have achieved difficult things :3” I save this quotes from my phone, and I told you that you are very sweet and sound philosophical to me. You replied “You are in love with me that’s why I am look philosophical, but when I’m stranger to you it is just a normal.”

Go... Juandy <3
Thank you for listening me always and I hope you are not bored for my being talkative on the phone that our messenger is explode too much on my message because I really want my express my feelings to my best friend and to my boyfriend. But to be honest I am not really talkative guy on public. I am silent person in front of the public area and most of the time many people really wants to talk to me because of my personality. I am really talkative person to the one I love, including you.

Thank you too because you are loyal to me for being confess on what’s happening to you and updating your status in your life. Thank you for sharing your story and I really appreciated, especially you told me that you remember Felipe Hincape, because of your songs. I can’t control your emotions for him; Felipe is a charming boy and kind to you. I can’t compare myself to him. He is lucky rather than me, he had a picture together of you while me is only your pictures. Again, I am sorry for being such a jealous boyfriend L I hope you are not mad at me every time I become a jealous. It is just I love you so much and afraid to losing you. I don’t want to remember my destiny to become alone when I got old. L I want to grow old you...

I love you

Te Amo, Juandy <3 
I want to grow old you... because I love you Juan David Hernandez Duque. You are the wildest dream have in my life. You are my perfect stranger that nothing know about what would be happen for us tomorrow. You are my absolute simplicity boyfriend to me. I am always proud of YOU. I am your number one fan when you dance and start to sing J I am most your number one follower in your life and secret admirer to your love story. I am not a prince that you wished for. But I could be a knight to you protecting for any dangers that could nothing to hurt for my Juan David little zombie :3 hahahaha I will pledge my life for him.

Saying I love you to you is not really enough but my action can prove how much I really do love you. Heaven knows how much I prayed for you, although you don’t believe on Him. But it is ok, whatever your point of view in your life as long we do well and we respect each other and sometime we argue. We find something to become sweet in the middle of our arguing J <3

I love you when you say “Yayyy” on our phone conversation. Every time I call on you, it is just you are beside with me, whispering in my ear and expressing how much you love me. Your “Yayy” is only one my distinction and memorable ringtone in my ears J hahaha

I don’t want to be lengthy this letter and become eloquence on this. It feels like I have speech in class jajajaja. But Juan David seriously with pinching your nose...


Your Hyper Active BF,
Raymond Manliguez Verana

Thank You

June 23, 2016 (Colombia)
June 24, 2016 (Philippines)

                                                        THANK YOU

My Sexy Boyfriend
The moment you came into my life, the moment i started to love again.
There is no posible explanation i can give you, to make you understand how happy i am to have you on my life. I am so grateful for you, Raymond Manliguez Verana.

To be excited when i have a message from you, to laugh with you when we are on the phone, to spread tears of joy for what we have. This are just some of the things I feel when i talk with you, my love.

My Lovely Harlequin
Time goes by so fast, and we have already been sharing two months together. I have to be honest with you, and i have to confess that i never had thought that this would be such a serious relationship, and I never thought you would make me fall in love so much. My Mondy, I was so  wrong with that… and I am so glad that I was.

What we have is something that only you and me understand…it is stronger than any of our problems. You have earned a place in my heart forever. I love you, my boyfriend…Oh God, I really do.

Thank you, for making me the happiest person ever to be on a relationship. Thank you, for caming into my life, and for spending with me this two wonderful monds (pun intended).

My Cutest BF Ever :p
With all the love in the world, your Little zombie

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Friend Letter

Carlos Andres Hernandez Duque
Brother of Juan David
Medellin, Columbia

Dear M. Hernandez,

This is erroneous to be introducing myself in such formality. As a boyfriend of your sweet youthful brother named Juan David a.k.a Juancho I need to be a formal to have laid your trust on me. My name is Raymond Manliguez Verana but you can call me on my nickname Mond. I am 23 years old that still alive and kicking this labyrinth of life. I am teacher to be at my age (This kind progressive system of Education here in Philippines) and my dream is to become Professor in College or University. I am teaching Philippine Language and Literature in High School at this moment.  

I am glad that Juancho told you about our relationship and I am very thankful for you appreciative and accepting of this kind of relationship. I really admire you as an older brother of my boyfriend; you are openly-highly-minded and sensitive to these circumstances like this. I know that I am not perfect guy for your brother as to be his boyfriend, I have flaws on my life too but this is life, right? Accepting who you are when you enter in relationship. As his boyfriend, I’ll do my best or more than best and I’ll try (or maybe I will do) to become good quality boyfriend for him, I am not God to tie myself and him (or likewise) to be my better half but rather I trust my destiny that God laid for us to me and to Juancho. One day, if that happened I will sure that he will be safe and happy for the rest of our lives. Nevertheless, I need to live today and to appreciate what we have in our relationship of your brother. Sometimes I become a dreamer but I need to be realistic. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said to his book The Little Prince "Of course I’ll hurt y
Juandy and his brother Carlos Andres :)
ou. Of course you’ll hurt me. Of course we will hurt each other. But this is the very condition of existence. To become spring, means accepting the risk of winter. To become presence, means accepting the risk of absence.”
I know we’ll be time that we hurt each other of your brother, but I would like to assure if I hurt your brother please let me know on his situation, I really do love him and to love him is the precious thing that I have. Moreover to finish this friend letter, Nicholas Spark says to his book entitled The Notebook “We fell in love, despite our differences, and once we did, something rare and beautiful was created. For me, love like that has only happened once, and that's why every minute we spent together has been seared in my memory. I'll never forget a single moment of it.” Everyone has own definition of love, even you my friend have own expression of love to the ones you love. To me, to fall in love with your brother is one a kind to me as I worth him eye to eye like the two times colourful is a tough discover.

I open for your further question or inquiries for me as the boyfriend of your brother. I am warmest welcome you to be my friend. I really do happy because one of his families knows about our relationship. Thank you so much M. Carlos Andres Hernandez.

Your Grace,

Raymond Manliguez Verana

Monday, 16 May 2016

Today is My Birthday

Today is my BIRTHDAY
By: Mondy

Happy Birthday to me :D
I woke up in the morning dew that have full enthusiasm and loaded of positive energy that anyone can be affect of my Law of Attraction. On behalf of it I am so happy that I and Juancho had making love high altitude last night and the effect was a massive impact of happiness. I told to my mom that I am going to school accomplish my faculty clearance and to get my salary. My brother who next to me has watching Divergent... I remember Tris and Four (Just me and Juancho)... I hear Marcus saying “Faction before blood”. While I am in bathroom and taking a bath, my wrist was scratch by nail and it bleeds... and I say to myself... faction before blood... I was crazy, I know.... haha

When I reached the school Ms. Faith greeted me a Happy Birthday and some of the teachers greeted me too... Everyone was greeting me a happy birthday. Mr. Llyod always greeted me happy birthday every time we met on the faculty hall... he just like crazy friend. I was thankful too, to my Inay (Mommy) Jing for saving me for my clearance, I was dump by Mrs. Yolanda for her being a fool, oh heaven, give me more patience to Mrs. Yolly L
my co-faculty

Mrs. Veeh daughter give me joy and pleasure to enjoy my birthday. Her name was Vianna a very little cute angel, who brought me so much happy this day. She claps her hands and every teacher singing Happy Birthday to you2x and Vianna was so happy to clap her hands... she is very charming girl :D I played her like a kid, we run and she gets my ID and looking weird on my ID.

Birthday Boy :)
I want to thankful to God this day because I accomplished my clearance and to get my salary. I am so happy that the 4th Floor Faculty was happy being competitive on the amazing race. Although, I am fatigue and felt damn in the ADMIN. I just want to be thankful for this kind of experiences for being I am teacher. I would promise that I would be kind and smart to my co-faculty. We just ate at the square canteen with my co-faculty and again they sang me a HAPPY BIRTHDAY =)

I read all the messages of my friends and my student. But I didn’t read the message to me of my boyfriend because I believe the last would be the BEST. That’s why it is a reason why I read his letter to be last, because YOU are most important to me... =) I know you are blushing to me... haha =) I love you JUANCHO. You are almost sweet to me... I love you baby... :D YOUR VIDEO is one of my precious gift that i have. I LOVE YOU baby... LOVE ME LIKE YOU DO <3

Baby... I love you...

Saturday, 30 April 2016

When you happened

When you happened

Isn’t it awesome when your life gets an unexpected turn?
I was thirteen when I admitted that I was gay. It was far from a happy day when I told this to one of my closest friend. I cried, but I felt relied because I knew that, after some years of denial and struggle with acceptance, somebody understood me.
I have been waiting for some good time to know what it feels to love and be loved… I have been waiting for someone to treat me with love and confidence in a world that seems so wrong in my eyes. I have been close to start a relationship two times before, but I don’t know why, things didn’t seem to work out well for me. I have been used for that purpose of “one kiss only” and I have been the sexuality confusion of one of my heterosexual friends. That’s the only love I have had. I have been raised in a society where you start having relationship at a very early age, so I felt alone, while almost all of my friends were in a relationship. I kept asking to myself: is anyone out there that will fall in love with me, one day? …but I had nothing more than my own presence every day. I let this affect my happiness, my self-love, my confidence. I was in dark places, in a depression mood. I have always been a happy and lovely person inside, but I had to get myself through this with a little help from my friends and my family.

Then you happened, and everything changed on me. From where do I start

How long to wait for this?
explaining to you, how much do I love you? We met each other in a very weird way, but I am glad we did. I can’t explain how afraid I get from thinking that I could have not commented in that streaming of the Game of Thrones premiere and then, you wouldn’t have sent me that friendship request. If we didn’t have done that, we both would have never met. That said, you are the most special man to me, and I can’t be more grateful with you for this little time that we have shared.Whenever I am in school, I start to miss you, because here, every man is so rude, and that left me no choice than being a little rude too, because I have to defend myself. But everything is so different with you; with you, I believe in love, I believe in kindness, I believe in coincidences…I even started to believe a little in God. I love you, my babe. I love you. A love that transcends space and time, a love that I can feel across the sea, a love that I can feel through hour different cultures, a love that I can feel through our different languages. You are the man I dream to meet one day, and I keep looking forward for what life has for us too. You are so precious to me. I see you on the brightness of the sun. I see you on the grace of the moon.

I'm waiting for you
How would I have guessed some weeks ago that I was going to meet someone as lovely as you? You are the best, seriously. I love you.

By: your boyfriend.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Brokeback Mountain (A synopsis)

Brokeback Mountain (A synopsis)
By Raymond Verana

You made my heart as a lonely hunter man in the mountain. I’m right here waiting for you, sitting beside next to me.  –Raymond Verana (telling these words to Juancho).

Here is my synopsis how briskly appearances the two characters: Jack and Ennis. It made me moved to the unexpectedly significance of the two on how they love brought to the Brokeback Mountain. Ennis is getting married to Alma and Jack is a lovely boy. Who knows what will be happened and how they life is getting tough and rough. After the stunning story they made in mountain. This is what happened:
  •   Because of the silly cold on the mountain, Jack inviting Ennis to make love to him that night. The fact they really bad wanted it.
  •  It is possible between two boys the connection of the weirdo feelings. Ennis want to escape his life and Jack is ready to be the place of world Ennis. They accepted who they are.
  • Ennis get lonely while Jack is riding a car away for him. He cried. (This is the awkward feeling he felt, he cried because he found that Jack is a mystery pieces in his life).
  • They have missed each other. The only Brokeback Mountain is the only place they can live happily. Jack wants to build a relationship to Ennis to be with him for the rest of his life but Ennis refuse it because of his situation. In the end, Ennis realize it he need Jack into his life after he died.
  • The both characters never telling the words “I LOVE YOU”. The fact is they’ve been waiting who will tell this.

This for Juan David Hernandez:

I am now in love with you, but the distance and the boundary is against with us. I wanted you there on Brokeback Mountains. YOU AND ME.

I wanted you to be my boyfriend.
I wanted you to be my husband.
I wanted you to be marry with me.
I wanted of a high-altitude every night.
I wanted to travel the world together with you.
I wanted you to be part of ME.
I wanted YOU.

But the bottom line is?

The time.
Only the time can speak to us... when.
The time can only decide us... to meet.
The time is our most enemy.
But the time somehow can our be friend
But not only times... can do break us.
When the time come brought you and me
To the world of eternity
Baby I promise,
You and I...
Will be...

Monday, 18 April 2016

Across Friendship

Across Friendship
by: Raymond Verana

The day has been set to write this letter from my Friend Juan David Hernandez.
My Across Friendship

Across the sky
Across the desert
Across the forest
Across the mountains,
Across the valley,
Across the land and island,
Across the sun and moon,
Across the day and night
Across the time and zone.

Tongues Out :P
I found a new friend from the other side and that is YOU my little zombie Juancho. This is how difficult to understand how on earth that you and I became a friend and how the destiny should I add you on Facebook for the reason that I don’t know why. Hence, I want to thank God that I know you on behalf of yourself. Maybe it was sound vivid however God knows how lucky I am to find you. (hard to explain the feelings)

You told me about yourself and you trust me for your honesty, I confess mine too... you accept me for being who I am and I accept you for being who you are. We trust with each 

Let open the sky, to turn the star to be light, let the sun give heat the life, let us ride the time to see how beautiful the life on us. I am not afraid to fall the hope for us or the possibility to see beyond things. We’ve been in the labyrinth of this life and continue to find out this Journey. Let us fly because the sky is so high, to reach our dreams is a big come true.

Little Zombie :)
You are the one of a kind to speak me, as I worth you eye to eye like the two times colourful is a tough to discover.
Friends Forever

From this day and from the day we forward. You and I always be ACROSS FRIENDSHIP.

Friday, 15 April 2016

My 21 BRAVEST guns honour

April 16, 2016

my 21 honours'
Gumising ako ng may sama ng loob sa aking puso. Aaminin ko na hindi maayos ang pagkakatulog ko dahil sa sakit na nararamdaman. Una, Mababa si Daryll sa ESP subjek at hindi ko nakita iyon. Ikalawa, Nagtatampo si Ella kung bakit si Daryll ay napayagang mag-destinction kahit siya ay mababa sa ESP. Ikatlo, naiinis ako kay Sir Rhen dahil sa pagiging mababa niyang pagbigay ng grade sa Cluster B. Ikaapat, Utang-uta na ko sa sistema nararanasan ko sa pusang inahit na edukasyon sa aking trabaho bilang isang titser.

Young Archers
Namumugto ang aking mata dahil sa mga luhang iniyak ko kagabi. Matamlay ang umaga ko at paputol-putol ang bawat paghinga. Balisa ako ngayong umaga. Kailangan ko mahanap si Ms. Diana para mapabago ko ang grade ni Daryll. Nagkasalubong kami ni Mam Yolly, ngunit ayaw ko siyang kausapin dahil naaburido lamang ako sa kanya.

Hindi ko alam kung anong paraan ang gagawin ko sa 7B, ako mismo ay nahihirapan. Nagtatanong kung bakit nga ba ganito ang nais mangyari sa akin. Kailangan bang masaktan bago ka matuto? Bakit ganito ang buhay ng isang guro.

Masaya na akong makita ang mga anak ko sa 7B na sila ay pinaparangalan dahil sa kanilang hirap na ginagawa sa kanilang pag-aaral. Gusto kong masilayan ang kanilang mga ngiti na gumuguhit sa kanilang labi. Gusto kong marinig sa kanilang labi na sila ay nagagalak dahil sa gantimpala na kanilang nakamit at bunga ng pagmamalasakit sa kanilang pag-aaral at para sa kinabukasan ng ating bayan. Sila ang mga kabataaan na bubuo ng henerasyon para sa bukas.
Sir Mond feeling Proud :D

Pumunta kami nina Abeh at Julia sa Yellow Cab upang bumili ng pizza para sa 7B labis akong natuwa dahil kahit papaano naigala ko ang dalawa sa nalulugmok na sitwasyon na nangyayari sa ULS. Dahil nakakatamad panoorin ang isang kadamakmak na bata pinaparangalan na hindi mo naman alam kung nagpurisigido ba sa pag-aaral o umasa na lamang sa mataas na grade pero wala namang natutunan.

Gayunpaman. Humihingi ako ng patawad sa aking mga anak sa 7B na sana na maging bukas ang isipan nila sa mga pangyayaring nagaganap sa ating lipunan na ginagalawan. Huwag makakalimot na dalawin ako kahit sila ay Grade 8 na. Ipinagbubunyi ko ang karangalang natamo ninyo sa inyong pag-aaral. Mahal na mahal ko kayo mga anak 7B.

Saturday, 26 March 2016

Let it go

Let it go
-A moment of Reflection this Lenten season.
March 26, 2016

I'll Start my expedition
1. Be brave- I have been fighting for many years to its ending and yet somehow I continue learning from this labyrinth of life. I learn that if I should go with my hesitation there is no something will happen but if you think that you can it will move you beyond on the probability of possibility, this is so leap of faith and no matter what it takes and no matter what the consequences brought it to you. You just lived on this infinite blue sky and this horizon of green battlefield. I am ready to let it go.

2. Believe- This is not the end of me... this is the beginning (hold on) T Do I need to be kind? Do I need to be bad? Do I need to be right or wrong? Do I need to be leader or follower? Do I need to be eloquence or listener? Do I need to be genius or to be fool? Do I need to be gentleman or to be rude? Do I... no... no more question Mond, Just believe in yourself, Just be YOU. I am ready to let it go.

Capacity to see beyond
3. Love- I know that I have been in love with some... (maybe we called it infatuation) Wishing I have new love. Wishing Yep that is mine. I know I have been in love with you since we’re college. The feeling is there, nothing change, nothing is faded, it still in my memory. I Love you. But if we are destiny to be of us, well Thank God you are the best gift that I have. But if God’s plan is not to be of us, then, I know I should accept it. Pipps, you are the wildest dream and the dream that want to come true. If you are happy with your partner then so be it and God knows that I am happy for you. I am ready to let it go.

4. Family- I know that we’re not a perfect family. Yes, I know, sometimes I wish I can redo what are my mistakes in my family. I cannot choose who I want to be my father, mother and even in my brothers. Well, accept them whoever they’re. I love them whatever or what for the reason. They’re family to be destined to myself. I love them. I am ready to let it go.

5. Light and Dark- I’m alive... everything is sound. One song says “We need the darkness to see the lightness”. Maybe God something has reason why this all happening to me. I am not perfect man but yet I tried to be just ME. 

Tuesday, 22 March 2016


MAY 11, 2015



My LET Journey 2015